I’m New / Visitors
What To Expect
We’re excited that you’re considering visiting our church. Before you do, there are a few things that you should know to make your visit comfortable.
Our worship service begins every Sunday at 11:00 am. We do have a parking lot and have a couple of reserved spots up front just for visitors. But just in case they are full, you can park on the street or at the Merchants Bank parking lot on Pennsylvania Avenue (it’s a very short walk).
Dress Code
There is not a “dress code.” You can come in whatever attire you feel comfortable: casual, business casual and formal dress are all welcome here. It’s about your relationship with God, not your clothing.
We do accept an offering during worship. This is done by passing a collection plate. You can put your offering directly in the plate or first in an envelope located in the pew, then in plate – the choice is yours. We do have the option to give online as well. Please don’t let money be a barrier for you to not attend worship; while funding for ministry is important and a necessity, God understands (and so do we) that sometimes giving as much as we would like just isn’t possible. Please, don’t let money come between you and God and a loving, Christian community.
Do you have children? If you do, bring them with you! Don’t worry about them making noise or not sitting still. Children are a blessing and we love having families at our church. During worship we do offer a children’s message and Sunday school for kids ages 5-11. Do you have a 4 year old or maybe even a 12 year old that would like to attend Sunday school? No problem, send them. All of our Sunday school teachers love children and are in accordance with our denomination’s Safe Sanctuary Policy (which follows state and federal law). Children are welcome to remain in the sanctuary for worship; whatever your preference, we are happy with. If you find that your little one is being restless, you can exit with them through the front doors in the sanctuary and go to the nursery. In the nursery they can play while you watch a live-feed of the service.
Handicap Accessible
Our sanctuary is handicap accessible with a ramp located at the front entrance. We have handicap parking spots in our parking lot and there are three more right in front of the entrance to the sanctuary on N. 3rd Street. Unfortunately we do not have wheel chair accessible restrooms on the sanctuary level.
The Lord’s Supper (or Holy Communion, if you prefer) is served the first Sunday of every month. At our church we believe that everyone is welcome to receive God’s grace through this Sacrament. You don’t have to be a member of this church or any church, you merely have to repent of your sin and want to live a life in accordance with the love of Christ. We usually partake in this Sacrament by way of intinction, which means you walk to the altar, receive an individual piece of bread/wafer, and dip it into your individual cup (contains grape juice) and then consume. Don’t be nervous, the pastor and ushers will help you.
It is our mission to love God and love others. You are welcome here.
Do you have a question before you come? Go ahead and ask! Just fill out a contact form. God bless.